Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Meltdowns...

We've all had them...we've all seen them. Let's face it, when you've got kids around, there are going to be happy times - and there are going to be the I'm-tired-and-I-don't-know-what-else-to-do-so-I'm-gonna-cry times. In most cases comfort is all that is needed - a pacifier, a bottle, a kitty-cat, a cracker, a nap...

So, here are the Meltdown Moments of Christmas 2008, courtesy of Perrin and Livie... : (

Not quite a meltdown, it's just naptime


Starting to melt...

Definite breakdown...

But only for a moment

More unhappiness has begun...

And is now full-blown

But have no fear, all is well, now...being tired and hungry will do that to you, you know...delirium sets in, and come on, when you can't talk, what else is there to do but pitch a fit? : )

Monday, December 29, 2008

Trees, presents, and food

What else is Christmas about? Besides Jesus, of course : )

So, here we are at the trough...mmmmmm, look at all that good food...

And here are all the pretty trees and all the pretty gifts...

And here is the giving, the waiting, and the opening of the presents...well, some of them...

Christmas 2008

So, I cannot believe that Christmas has already come and gone! Eeeek! I love the Holidays and am always sad to see them go...but, take heart, for there is still the New Year to celebrate! And then...my birthday!! More and more and more fun, fun, fun...I hope : ) I do have a few pictures to post from our recent Christmastime festivities. Oh, and there is another niece/nephew on the way!! My sister and brother-in-law in Iowa announced Christmas morning that she is due in July!! Yay!! Bring on the kiddies...

And just in case you don't fully realize what all Christmas with my family entails, here is a brief synopsis...Christmas morning - "Santa" gifts at Mom and Dad's, then breakfast...lunch at the Big House with Dad's side of the family, gifts...this year Matt and I headed to his parents' house between lunch and supper...supper at the Big House with Mom's side of the family, gifts and Christmas play. I take off the day after because I need a full day to recover, but this year we also did family Christmas the night of the 26th, so more gifts and food and fun...whew!

Mom, a.k.a "Nana Claus," cooking and cleaning on Christmas morning
My newly-pregnant sister, Larryn, and our new nephew, William

I got to wake up my cute-as-a-button nephew, Perrin, that morning

Funny Livie doing "Ho-Ho-Ho"

Baby William doing what he does best
Mollie and her sweet baby Cade

Camille and Larryn at "The Big House" for lunch

Cousins Amelia and Keryn

Matt's brother-in-law, Jeff, and nephew, Max

My cousin, Silas, was Santa Claus...in highwater pants

My cousin, Silas; my brother, Eli; my cousin, Sam

Mom and Dad and Perrin

My sister, Becca, and my niece, Livie - who absolutely loves kitty-cats

Mollie and Matt and Isaac's "thumbs-up"

Eli, Camille with William, Becca, and Jay

Monday, December 8, 2008

"Christmas, Christmas...

time is here!" Yay!! I love the Christmas Season...lights, decorations, cold weather, snow (hey, I can dream!), presents, Christmas trees, Christmas music...it's all good! And now that I'm done with school and can actually enjoy the Season, it's even better! Our apartment is all decorated for the Holidays, looking cute and cozy. The invitations for parties have begun to roll in...the Big House is decorated fit for a king and ready for the Christmas Day festivities. Talked with my sister in Iowa last night...they will be coming in Christmas Eve and it will be wonderful to see them. My other sister is quite ready to have her baby, and little William should be here in a few weeks! All-in-all, it's been rather exciting and it will only be getting better...

Matt and I went to an oyster roast this past weekend. I've never had oysters before. They were okay, I at least tried several and with homemade cocktail sauce anything is good : ) I mostly nibbled at all the other good food, though...and drank my wine, of course. It was a good time, standing outside around the heaters and fire pit, talking and talking and talking...lots of fun! Thanks to the Schultzes for the invite, it was a blast! And Happy Birthday to Meg!